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CeBIT 2011: Computer schlägt in Sekundenschnelle das perfekte Make-up vor.

Viele Frauen sind auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Make-up für ihren Gesichtstyp. Dabei kann ihnen jetzt der Computer weiter helfen. Forscher des Max-Planck-Instituts für Informatik in Saarbrücken haben ein Programm entwickelt, das für ein fotografiertes Frauengesicht das passende Make-up auswählt und direkt am Bildschirm anzeigt. Es nutzt dafür eine Datenbank mit geschminkten Gesichtern und überträgt besonders vorteilhafte Schmink-Varianten auf Augen, Lippen und Teint. Das virtuelle Make-up [...]

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Two MPI-SWS alumni receive NSF CAREER awards.

Two MPI-SWS alumni — Andreas Haeberlen and Alan Mislove — have received NSF CAREER awards. The CAREER award is the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research.

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Visiting Professor Johannes Gehrke receives Humboldt Award

Johannes Gehrke, a professor at Cornell University, has been selected for a prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This award will provide support for him to spend eight months in Germany, working with Peter Druschel and other MPI-SWS researchers on data-intensive distributed systems that make up the software infrastructure inside such large Web companies as Amazon, Yahoo! and Google.

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Rupak Majumdar joins the MPI-SWS faculty

Rupak Majumdar joins the institute’s faculty as a scientific director. Rupak’s research interests are in computer-aided verification and control of reactive, real-time, hybrid, and probabilistic systems; software verification and programming languages; and logic and automata theory.

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Viktor Vafeiadis joins the MPI-SWS faculty

Viktor Vafeiadis joins the institute’s faculty, starting in October 2010. Viktor’s research interests are in software analysis and verification, programming languages, programming logics, [...]

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