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Lorenzo Alvisi, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has been selected for a prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This award provides support for him to spend up to a year at the institute, where he will work with Peter Druschel and other MPI-SWS researchers on fault-tolerant computing for multi-core servers.
Björn Brandenburg, an MPI-SWS faculty member, has been awarded the Council of Graduate Schools/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award in the area of mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering. The award—North America’s most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations—recognizes recent doctoral recipients who have already made unusually significant and original contributions to their fields.
Lorenzo Alvisi, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has been selected for a prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. This award provides support for him to spend up to a year at the institute, where he will work with Peter Druschel and other MPI-SWS researchers on fault-tolerant computing for multi-core servers.
Der deutsche Mustererkennungspreis wird alljährlich von der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung (DAGM) an herausragende Nachwuchswissenschaftler aus den Bereichen Maschinelles Lernen und Maschinelle Bilderkennung verliehen. In diesem Jahr wird der Preis an Prof. Christian Theobalt vom Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Saarbrücken und Prof. Andreas Krause von der ETH Zürich verliehen. Christian Theobalt erhält den Preis für seine hervorragenden und bahnbrechenden wissen-schaftlichen [...]
Ruzica Piskac, an MPI-SWS faculty member, has been awarded the 2012 Patrick Denantes Prize for her dissertation titled „Decision Procedures for Program Synthesis and Verification.“ The prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding master’s, doctoral or post-doctoral research project within the school of computer and communication sciences at EPFL.
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