News Archive

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Saarbrücken Computer Scientist Christian Theobalt wins prestigious Award

Professor Christian Theobalt, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken, is this year’s winner of the Outstanding Technical Contribution Award, the European Association for Computer Graphics’ highest distinction for scientific findings. At the annual Eurographics conference, the prize is awarded for groundbreaking achievements in the field of computer graphics. Theobalt, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, receives it “for [...]

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Project “Playcare” wins anti-corona idea competition of IT Inkubator GmbH

Parents are currently under strong pressure to fulfill their professional obligations in the home office and at the same time to care of their children. The project “Playcare” wants to help out with special learning boxes, which contents parents can select and order online according to their child’s wishes. With this idea, a German-Swiss team has won the competition of the IT Inkubator GmbH, which is funded with 10,000 euros. The first boxes are planned to be available for order on the Internet as early as the summer.

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Computer science for teachers can now be combined with ethics, languages and other subjects

Until now, it was only possible to study computer science for a teaching profession together with mathematics. Now it is possible at Saarland University to combine all school subjects with computer science. With the reform of the academic program, completely new teaching contexts for computer science topics will be opened up. This is intended to meet the demands that students are confronted with in a society increasingly shaped by technology and computer science. No previous knowledge of computer science is required to enroll.

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Computer scientist makes virtual worlds graspable

A walk in the woods: one can feel soft moss under one’s feet, notice twigs and branches breaking when stepped upon, feel the gnarled bark of a tree. Sensations such as these are perceived through the sense of touch and have thus so far been denied to digital worlds. Paul Strohmeier, a computer scientist at Saarland University, has now developed a new method to artificially generate such haptic sensations. This makes virtual and augmented reality graspable in the truest sense of the word. For his [...]

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Computer scientist Reinhard Wilhelm receives international award for life-long research achievements

Real-time systems: they control processes where it is important that a program runs within a certain time window – for example in airbags, anti-lock braking systems or aircraft control systems. If calculations here were too slow by only fractions of a second, lives would be at stake. Reinhard Wilhelm, Professor of Computer Science at Saarland University, has spent many years developing automatic methods for runtime analysis in real-time systems. Thanks to his work, the correct functioning of [...]

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